Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fantasy Books to Movie Adaptation: Love Them, Hate Them

Would I say I love or hate the way many classic fantasy books have been adapted to movies ? Well, I cannot say that I truly hate them, for I am always excited whenever Hollywood announce such projects. I do not really love them too (except maybe for the Peter Jackson's LOTR) , for what we usually get are dumbed down, Hollywoodised fantasy turned into action movies.

Reading any book , especially fantasy genre , requires a huge dose of imagination. I would say my imaginations usually exists in 2 dimensions, rather like figures in a comic book. In a movie, to see my imaginations take shape in 3D, in full colours, in impossibly beautiful scenery settings is wonderful, but at the same time sad. For these beautiful scenes will overwrite my initial visions. The feeling is just not the same anymore, and even if I reread the books, I find it hard to recapture the initial feelings. And then, I realise these new visions does not even belong to me , but to the directors' , and shared by millions of viewers.

In the end, there is only hope. Hope that the producers and directors do their best to keep true to the story. It is a good chance book lovers to share with movie lovers in the wonderful stories, and along the way, also bring new fans that will read the books because of the movie.


Su Ann said...

Hey there! Hehe, yeah sometimes the movies don't do the books justice. ut here are some that I thought was much better than the book:
2. Contact

kimchi.potpourri said...

LOTR .. hhmm tat's probably because u watch the movie first ... another reason for me to Hate Them ... haha

Su Ann said...

Actually no. I read - or TRIED to read "The Hobbit" even before seeing the movie. It was difficult for me to get pass the first chapter. :P

kimchi.potpourri said...

Just to continue this interesting topic, may I know what turned you off ? The writing style ? Or the story itself ?
Do enlighten me , cos I'm very interested to know why you can't appreciate Tolkien :p

Su Ann said...

Like how certain ppl cannot stand or appreciate Shakespeare, or Chick lit, or JK Rowling...

Different tastes I guess.

Why I don't like Tolkien...? Maybe the writing style. But then again i don't like Stephen King either... (and he's sold millions) so...

Su Ann said...

oh just to get things straight, I like Shakespeare, not a fan of chick lit and is neutral about JK Rowling.... heheh

kimchi.potpourri said...

U cannot compare chick lit or stephen king with :o tolkien . Totally different genre.

I think you mean u just generally do not like fantasy , am I right ? JK Rowling is an exception ?

Su Ann said...

Actually I do enjoy fantasy. I like Narnia -which is fantasy. I also read the Dark Elf trilogy (Dungeons and Dragon stuff). And that's fantasy as well.

And I am NOT comparing Chick lit and King with Tolkien. It's just to demonstrate there are BESTSELLERS that I don't like - and that's just me and my taste. I'm sure there are HUNDREDS of Tolkien fans out there - that just doesn't mean I ought to love him as well. Same as the fact that I love Agatha Christie, I cannot force others to love her as well...

kimchi.potpourri said...

Ok , then I'm back to my 1st question , which is what put u off Tolkien ?

I'm not forcing anyone to love Tolkien , I'm just curious why someone who likes fantasy and Shakepeare cannot even get past the 1st chapter of Tolkien.

I don't like loads of books too, but I can tell you precisely why I love/like/hate/indifferent for every book I read or decide not read.

Whether a book is bestseller or not is not the point here, at most it can be just a guide whether a book is worth reading.

If you cannot tell me exactly what put u off Tolkien, I may just have to conclude that you were influenced by the movie/someone/something before u read it :p

Su Ann said...


As what I had written in my earlier reply, I don't like the writing style.

And all things being equal, i didn't LURVE the movie that much either.


kimchi.potpourri said...

Ok ... (tho i do wish u cud be more precise ... )

I oso think it is not that fair to compare the movie and the books, based on half a chapter of The Hobbit, AND The Hobbit is not even part of the movie !

Just to set things straight , The Hobbit and LOTR has quite different style/tone/mood/feel. The Hobbit is more a children story, while LOTR is a heavy epic fantasy story.

Peace :p